LoQ'ueking Good

Monday, October 20, 2014

Hi. It's going to be a tough day at work tomorrow. Some of us will get laid off. Not knowing is the worst but I'm not really looking forward to knowing either. The weather suits my mood perfectly, it's dark and it's raining.

Luckily things always look a little brighter in SL. So here I am, introducing three recent hair releases by LoQ'ue. You'll be happy to know that the first style pictured, Rosolio, is a subscriber gift. The other two cost you some cash money but I'm sure you'll gladly pay for Champagne and Liqueur.

The pretty skin, Ingrid, is by Essences and it's available at Über. The sweater and the shoes are both available at Collabor88. I definitely wouldn't miss the Maitreya Gold shoes, they're usually way more expensive than this pair. The leggings are also by Maitreya but they're an older purchase.

That's all there is to the outfit today. Thank you for reading. -B-

Hair | LoQ'ue, Rosolio, Champagne and Liqueur*
Skin | Essences, Ingrid, Pale02, ginger* (Über)
Freckles | Tres Blah
SweaterRowne, Mila Knit Sweater, Wine (Collabor88)
LeggingsMaitreya, Panel Leggings V1, Grey
ShoesMaitreya Gold, Zest Pumps, Brown (Collabor88)
Pose | marukin

*Review copies

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