Just Don't Stick It In There

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Hi. Yes, I stuck my finger in a socket while wearing a heavy metal necklace. It's one way to get big hair, no? At least in SL. The hair is an old LeLutka style I still love. It takes up most of the space in the picture but there are some other items I guess I could say a few words about if you don't mind.

I've taken quite a liking to my new lips so I'm wearing them again. The same goes for the beauty marks. And the tattoo. I've also worn the Tee*fy top quite a few times before, but not recently. It goes very nicely with the jeans I just got. I thought they looked good ever since they were first released but I never got around to getting them for myself, until now.

And then there are the shoes. I'm sorry you can't really see them properly here. They are a new release by LETHAL available at the Soho Market (or at least were until recently). If you want to get a better look, just click here. That's about it, really. Now I think I should get off my butt. Thank you for reading! -B-

Hair | LeLutka, RYKIEL, IdontBleach
SkinEssences, Emma, doux, brunette*
Freckles | Just Magnetized, Visage Beauty Marks, set 02
Mouth | Loud Mouth, Alli
Tattoo | MiWardrobe, Princess Doll*
Necklace | MiWardrobe, Hard Metal* (Old Limited Bazaar)
Top | Tee*fy, Elyse Wrapped Tucked Tank, White
Jeans | The Secret Store, Rise Skinny Jeans, Blue Denim
Shoes | Lethal Couture, Geo Platform Tangerine Tropical (Soho Market)
Pose | Label Motion, Mix#36, Pose 6

*Review copies

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