Be Like Michelle O Walking Bo

Monday, September 7, 2009

Hello again! I've had these new madras shorts by Doppelganger Inc. resting in my inventory for a while now and thought maybe I should post them while it's still shorts season. They come in two lengths and various colors for both guys and girls. Even the First Lady wears madras shorts (see pictures here and here) - why wouldn't you? -B-

Be Like Michelle O Walking Bo

Skin - vive9, Miranda Glow Juice NB Skin (Old group gift!) *
Hair - Kin, Marla, red
Eyes - Glanz, Transparency Shine Eyes, Fresh Blue
Lashes - PIDIDDLE, Eyelashes
Cheeks - BP*, hoppe/cheeks/nomal/chin (Freebie!)**

Look 1
Scarf - Bare Rose, Criss Scarf, DarkBlue***
Jacket - Pig, Unisex Jacket, Brown
Top - Ohmai, Basics Loose Racerback, Blank (Freebie!)
Shorts - Doppelganger Inc., Madras Shorts, Brewster
Shoes - magi take, chucker sneaker, gray (Cheapie!)

Look 2
Scarf - Bare Rose, Criss Scarf, DarkBrown***
Top - NU, HenleyNeck with cutsaw, white (Freebie!)
Shorts - Doppelganger Inc., Madras Girl Shorts, Westbrook
Shoes - magi take, chucker sneaker, red (Cheapie!)

Look 3
Scarf - Bare Rose, Criss Scarf, DarkBlue***
Jacket - Ohmai, Basics Pocket Cardigan, Blank (Freebie!)
Tee - Ohmai, Whats Today? Monday
Shorts - Doppelganger Inc., Madras Shorts, Nantucket
Shoes - magi take, chucker sneaker, yellow (Cheapie!)

*Not sure if available, similar skins for sale
**Drowsy Horror Summer Festival
***Part of an outfit


  1. Those are soo cute. I bought them too and had forgotten. Time to get them out. Yay!

    Nice post.

  2. Thank you Elisabeth! :oD

    Hehe, I know how it can be, buying and forgetting. Come to think of it, I should really do something about my inventory. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. ;o)
