Paper Couture's new spring line has evoked a lot of mixed emotions. Some love it, some love to hate it. I myself was in awe as I teleported over to Tableu and browsed through the latest creations of the Lu sisters for the first time. Yes, some of the constructions may be outrageous but they are also very inspirational.
My favourite from the collection is an outfit called the Dancing Bears. It works well with heels and the original tights but if you want to goth it up a notch just throw in a pair of combat boots and fishnets. I really like the Dahlia skin by miaSnow btw, grabbed it while visiting the miaSofia HQ.
My favourite from the collection is an outfit called the Dancing Bears. It works well with heels and the original tights but if you want to goth it up a notch just throw in a pair of combat boots and fishnets. I really like the Dahlia skin by miaSnow btw, grabbed it while visiting the miaSofia HQ.
Skin (Bad Bay) - Skins by miaSnow, DAHLIA Skin 9
Skin (Good Bay) - Minnu Model Skins, Pale SkinGloss, Base
Hair (Bad Bay) - Cake, Harlow, Black
Hair (Good Bay) - Cake, Harlow, Blonde
Hair Accessory - Mayamaya Creations, Corsage No 3
Hui! Mieki huomasin tämän nyt vihdoinkin. Hieno ja hiukan pelottava samaan aikaan, hämmentävää. Oot kyllä melkoinen kuvankäsittelyepeli, hih :)